the Prayer TANK

Tool #1 the Prayer Tank
Over 330 Scripture Verses to Proclaim God's Word.
(Each Verse is a button!)

(Huge: 65x30 Inches, Needs a Professional Print
shop Printer to print out this size.)
Just the
Text Verses
Individual Printable Sections
(Chopped Up/PNG/Both Posters) (14 Categories)
Spiritual Warfare Offense |
Spiritual Growth and Maturity |
Blessings and Personal Needs
God's Glory and Praise |
Holiness-Commands-Warnings-Pitfalls-Prevention |
Heath-Healing-Strength |
Evangelism |
Authority of Believers |
God's Church |
Judgments |
Names of God |
Raising up the Oppressed and Needy |
for Your Own Editing, Needs MS-Publisher to Work)
** Everything is UN-copyrighted :-)
Prayer Tank #2 Another 330+ Verses (2 Meters Wide)

Prayer Tank 2 Editable
PUB file
Tool #2 the Prayer Tank

All MP3
Tool #3 the Prayer Tank
Computer Assisted Prayer
(Computer Aided Prayer)
850+ Bible Verses specifically chosen to proclaim
God's Word, 17 Categories, Text and Proclamation format, MP3s, Automated
Warfare Offensive, Warfare Defensive, Evangelism +
the Harvest, Spiritual Growth and Maturity, Authority of Believers, Position
in Christ, Blessings and Personal Needs, Judgments against Evil, Oppression,
Tyranny, Justice, and God's Will, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Vision,
Revelation, Information, Health and Healing, Church / Congregations / Body
of Believers, Holiness / Ways of the Lord / Commands, DONTs, Warnings, Pitfalls,
Obstacles, Caution, Raising up the Needy and Oppressed Names of God, Praise
God, Miracles/Signs/Wonders/Gifts/Glory, Removing the False Church
PC Only Version:
Full Version
(Big 40MB+)
No Audio
Version (Smaller 1MB)
(.BAT) Script
(Please send Program Comments/Suggestions/Questions/Issues to
[email protected])