Sing to Yahweh a new song!
I desire that everyone on the earth would sing to Yahweh!
Sing to Yahweh and praise him [MTY]!
Proclaim every day that he has saved/rescued us.
Tell about his glory/greatness to all people-groups;
tell to all people-groups the wonderful things that he has done.
Yahweh is great, and he deserves to be praised very much;
people should have an awesome respect for him, more than for any of the other gods,
because the gods that other people-groups worship are only idols,
but Yahweh is truly great; he made the heavens!
Those who are in his presence honor him and can see that he is a great king.
They can see in his temple that he is very powerful and is very beautiful.
All you people-groups on the earth, praise Yahweh!
Praise him for ◄his glory/being glorious► and for ◄his power/being powerful►!
Proclaim that he [MTY] is glorious,
and come to his temple, bringing an offering to him.
Bow down before Yahweh when he appears in his holy/sacred temple;
all you people on the earth, tremble in front of him!
10 Say to all the people-groups, “Yahweh is the king!
He put the world in its place, and it will never be moved/shaken.
He will judge all the people-groups fairly.”
11  All the beings that are in [MTY] the heavens should be glad, and all the people on the earth should rejoice.
The oceans and all the creatures that are in the oceans should roar to praise Yahweh.
12 The fields and everything that grows in the fields should be glad.
When that happens, it will be as though all the trees in the forests will sing joyfully
13 in the presence of Yahweh.
That will happen when he comes to judge everyone on [MTY] the earth.
He will judge all the people fairly/justly, according to what he knows is true.