In English we use the sound ŋ or ng only at the end of a syllable; its frequent occurrence at the beginning of a syllable in Kamilaroi is therefore a slight, but only a slight difficulty. It is only necessary to use precisely the same consonant sound which we have in ring, sing, &c., with a vowel after and not before it.
N.B. Name the letters as they are pronounced; that is, call g ge (as in get), h he, ŋ eng, r re, w we, and y ye. Thus the name will guide the learner to the proper sound in spelling.
a b d e g h i j k l m n ŋ o p r t u v w y ai ao oi
names and kinship terms
ippai, murri, kubbi, kumbo. (names of men;)
ippata, mata, kapota, buta. (names of women;)
yarai, gille, taon, wī, boiyoi. (sun, moon, earth, fire, pennyroyal (herb).)
giwīr, īnar, birrī, miē. (man, woman, boy, girl.)
kaiŋal, buba, ŋumba.(child, father, mother.)
wurume, ŋummuŋā.(son, daughter.)
daiādi, bōādi.(brother, sister.)