The Proclamation of Cyrus
Cyrus Restores the Holy Vessels
The List of Returning Exiles
Offerings by the Exiles
Sacrifices Restored
Temple Restoration Begins
Adversaries Hinder the Work
Opposition under Xerxes and Artaxerxes
The Decree of Artaxerxes
Temple Rebuilding Resumes
Tattenai’s Letter to Darius
The Decree of Darius
The Temple Completed
Dedication of the Temple
The Returned Exiles Keep the Passover
Ezra Arrives in Jerusalem
Artaxerxes’ Letter for Ezra
Ezra Blesses God
The Exiles Who Returned with Ezra
Ezra Sends for the Levites
Fasting for Protection
Priests to Guard the Offerings
Arrival in Jerusalem
Intermarriage with Neighboring Peoples
Ezra’s Prayer of Confession
Shecaniah’s Encouragement
The People’s Confession of Sin
Those Guilty of Intermarriage