Verse 1fine flour The meal-offering. The fine flour speaks of the evenness and balance of the character of Christ; of that perfection in which no quality was in excess, none lacking; the fire, of His testing by suffering, even unto death; frankincense; the fragrance of His life Godward (see) Exodus 30:34 absence of leaven, His character as "the Truth" (see) Exodus 12:8 absence of honey;--His was not that mere natural sweetness which may exist quite apart from grace; oil mingled, Christ as born of the Spirit Matthew 1:18-23 oil upon, Christ as baptized with the Spirit ; John 1:32; 6:27 the oven, the unseen sufferings of Christ--His inner agonies ; Hebrews 2:18; Matthew 27:45,46 the pan, His more evident sufferings (e.g.) Matthew 27:27-31 salt, the pungency of the truth of God--that which arrests the action of leaven. Verse 11leavenhoney For meanings of leaven see Mat 13:.33. Also Leviticus 7:13,(See Scofield "Leviticus 7:13") 2 Honey is mere natural sweetness and could not symbolize the divine graciousness of the Lord Jesus. Verse 13salt Cf. Numbers 18:19; Mark 9:49,50; Colossians 4:6